Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's official... we are nightweaned

I recently went to a La Leche League conference in Hutchinson, KS. It was a fabulous experience and the best part is that I got to go all by myself. My oldest had a birthday party to attend and my husband volunteered to stay with the kids. "Go on honey, you have a good time. We'll be fine." he said. So, that's what I did. I took my trusty Harmony hand pump and some storage bags and off I went.

He said the first night was rough. I guess she was up for a couple hours. But, the next night was better and she slept all night. The following night, I was back home and she slept all night then too! Now, it hasn't all been smooth sailing, she still wakes in the night but is just fine with a pat on the back and some reassuring words and she drifts back off to sleep. I haven't nursed her at night since before I left. She has of course, picked up her daytime nursing, which is fine! I don't intend to wean her completely but I needed something to change at night. I was miserable and that didn't make me the most patient mommy.

The whole purpose of nighttime parenting is for everyone to get the best sleep possible and that's what we have achieved for now. :D


Jen said...

Congratulations to you and happy sleeping from now on! How was the conference, BTW?

Valerie said...

What a milestone! I'll say Chloe still wakes at night sometimes but it was liberating to not have to pull out the guns or to even have Dad be able to get her back down. I feel like she slept much better too. Congrats!

Karen said...

You rock! (I found you from Jen's blogs that she follows, found her by Tokein Asian friend)

I'm a kellymom fan and my 3.5 year old just weaned herself. I never thought it would happen. Couldn't imagine it in a 100 years. But she stopped one night, then asked about 5 times in the last 3 months.

She heard me on the phone yesterday saying that she is sick and not nursing and it makes me sad. She said, "I will have nursing milk later. I can get some nursing milk at the nursing milk store." (little cutie)